Music made for getting lost

One of my favorite things about music is its ability to take your mind away from everyday life to somewhere new. I love this feeling of being transported.
The first time I remember having this feeling was reading The Chronicles of Narnia books as a kid. The story took me to a whole new world that totally captured my imagination. So one afternoon I reread the first book “The Magician’s Nephew” to see if any potential names for this project would appear.
In the book there is a place called the Wood between the Worlds. It’s a warm sunlit forest where time stands still. There are countless pools of water there. Each pool is a different world you can travel to by jumping in, but you have to be in contact with a magic green ring for the portal to work.
My goal with every piece of music is to take you somewhere new. I want your mind to drift off from the day to day when you listen. Green Ring stood out to me as a perfect name to convey this idea.
About this website
This site is for escaping the algorithm and building an online home for Green Ring. Algorithms are amazing for discovery, but they also stand between creators and fans. Following on social media is no longer a guarantee you'll see my updates or new music. This site gives us a direct line of communication... no middlemen deciding what gets through.
If you join, you'll get my new releases delivered to your inbox along with other updates (no spam I promise). I'll also be sharing some exclusive content with members - early listens to new music, unreleased demos, etc. Everything will live as posts on here as well where you can comment, share your thoughts, and maybe even connect with other Green Ring fans!
The goal is to provide a place for anyone who might want to go a little deeper than streaming allows. It's still early days and the community is small, but I'm really glad you found yourself here. I hope you decide to join and go on this journey with me!
General Inquiries:
Drifting Off playlist submissions: